Preparation Manual


Thank you for deciding to travel to Botswana with Bush rover safaris your real adventure will change your life and this information will help you to get most out of it. We provide this information might find it helpful when preparing for your trip.


Flashlight/headlamp. Binoculars is very important to have them on safari. Digital camera with spare batteries, battery charger and plenty of memory cards. Your personal medication /prescriptions. Refilling these in Botswana is not always possible.


We carry a comprehensive first aid kit in the safari vehicle which cannot cover everything, if you have any medical problem or existing medical conditions please bring enough medication and inform us of these problems as soon as possible, we recommend you to pack a small personal first aid kit with plasters, alcohol wipes, painkillers etc. to cope with minor personal incidents.


The areas you will be travelling in are malaria areas. We suggest you speak to your local GP or health care provider and take action he/she recommends as there are various differing ideas about what prophylactics to take, if at all, some of the prophylactics can cause side effects such as headaches and lowering of your resistance to the sun and it is important to bear in mind that malaria can be contracted despite taking tablets. We provide insects repellent on safari but you are welcome to bring your own and please use them liberally, especially in warmer months.


SUMMER(October – April) is the hot in the middle of the day, sometimes as high 40 degrees Celsius in October, our hottest month but this is uncommon becoming cooler but still warm at night .The average day time temperatures are in the mid 30s dropping to the low 20s during the night .Botswana is a summer rainfall region and late afternoon showers can be common from December to April. WINTER (May – September) can go below 0 degrees Celsius. Early morning game drives on an open vehicles can be quite chilly (particularly in July and August).When surfs and warm hats are recommended .Dressing in layers is the best way to deal with the varying temperatures during the winter months and windproof jacket is a good idea.


You will spend a lot of time outdoors and may have a sunny seat so bring a high factor sun cream, all year round as the sun here is harsh. A cool light long sleeved shirt will also come in handy to protect you from the sun. A wide brimmed hat is a must as good pair of sunglasses.


Although Botswana’s water is generally safe to drink we supply filtered water in all safari trips .It is important to remember to drink enough water while on safari, if you are travelling in summer months you should bring rehydration salts to add to your water. One sachet per person per day will be sufficient and will prevent any dehydration problems. Dehydration salts are available in most pharmacies in powder form which is most suitable for travel.


All meals and drinks are provided; please provide dietary requirements inform us if you have any special requirements or if you are allergic to any food. Wine, local beer and soft drinks are provided. Water, tea and coffee are available all day. Spirits are also available on request and included in the price .The spirits that are available are gin, vodka, whisky and brand. If you have an request not mentioned above please make the request and we will do our best to order it for you.


Your guide will have books on the fauna and flora of Southern Africa. Bring along a novel or other reading materials as there is often time in the middle of the day to relax. You may also want to bring a pack of cards or some other game to play between morning and afternoon activities.


Even if you are not a regular birdwatcher, a good pair of binoculars is a must for any wildlife holiday and will greatly enhance your experience . Binoculars can be expensive to buy (as it is worth getting good ones.)so if you think you are unlikely to ever use them again. beg, borrow or steal a pair for your trip Those with a magnification of 8× or 10× are deal, but any decent binoculars will vastly enrich your experience. If you are keen birder, you may wish to bring a spotting scope too. Swarovski binoculars which in our view are about the best of the best and we have been using them for years. Their top binoculars are the ‘EL’ range with their ‘SLC’s and ‘CL’ binoculars being equal outstanding but slightly lower in price. If the price tag of pair of swarovski’s out of the question, then we highly recommend Opticron Natural BGA EDs-they significantly cheaper and also of a very high standard.


We strongly recommend that you take out travel insurance at the time of booking your trip as cover will commence for pre -departure cancellation from the date you purchase the insurance .This will therefore provide cover should you have to cancel your trip for an insured reason such as illness or serious accident preventing you from travelling.


ATMs are available in the major towns and larger villages but most accept Visa .Maestro cards are not generally accepted .Major credit cards are accepted at many shops and restaurants in towns. As the safari is pre-paid there is no need to travel with a lot of cash. The unit of currency is pula(p).The best currency to travel with is generally the US dollar ,as it is universally recognized. Bring a variety of denominations, including several small ei.one dollar and five dollar bills for maximum flexibility(particularly when it comes to tipping.)Make sure notes are not damaged or marked.


Please ensure that your passport is valid for a minimum period of six months after your entry date into Botswana.


Travelling into Botswana must provide a certified copy of their full unabridged birth certificate; if the child is travelling with one parent, with another adult or unaccompanied, the parent or parents who aren’t present will need to provide an affidavit giving their consent for the child to travel . It is crucial that you check the specific requirements for the country that you are travelling to in good time before you depart for your holiday as the rules may change. You will need to check both the issue date and the expiry date of your passport. VISA For other nationalities, please check the entry requirements with relevant embassy/consulate. Information about visas is given to you in good faith and may change between you receiving these document and your holiday and we cannot accept any liability if you are refused entry into any country or onto any transport due to the failure on your part to carry the correct documentation.


Receiving the correct vaccinations for your holiday before you travel is extremely important, in certain cases you will not allowed to enter a country without a proof of immunization .We are not qualified to provide you with specific advice on inoculations and strongly recommend that you contract your GP or travel nurse as soon as possible to discuss the vaccinations you may need to consider for travel.


We adhere to government regulations and regional guidance, as well as respecting local etiquette. We adhere to COVID policies it ensure you will be hosted in safe environment, without detracting from your holiday experience. You may notice adaptations in place as a camp setup. Please take a personal supply of hand sanitizer with you on holiday experience. The requirements for international travel are constantly changing and advise you to have been given about entry requirements to your destination and may change right up to the point of departure. It is your responsibility to keep check updates.


The time in Botswana is GMT+2hours


The choice of the correct camera equipment will determine the quality of your holiday photographs. For good photography of wildlife a good camera and telephoto lens is an absolute necessity. Furthermore , we would always recommend taking a second camera body as back-up if possible .For lenses ,the minimum recommended size us a 200mm but it is often far easier to take a zoom lens .The ideal solution is to have two zoom lenses, some for close subjects and landscapes and one for more distant subject and wildlife .A combination of a 17-85mm zoom and a 100-400mm zoom would help to maximize your photographic opportunities. As most photographers now use digital cameras it is worth bearing in mind that you should bring everything you need with you .you should consider bringing memory cards with a minimum of 4GB capacity and always have one (or more)spare-you never know when you will need it. Make sure that you have all necessary leads and cables as well as a suitable multi-country adaptor so that you can recharge your equipment, but please bear in mind that mains electricity may often be some distance, so do remember to bring plenty of spare batteries .


We provide guidelines on tipping strictly for your own information .Tipping is entirely up to you thank as per the services but this are the industry standards Guide – 10 USD per person per day Chef/waiter/camp asistant5 USD per person per day


We are committed to stretch a helping hand to kids/orphans to support them with tools they need at school.ie ruler, pencils, pen, books, balls anything that can be used at school is much appreciated.


Bring along a good jacket, scarf, gloves and woolen or fleece headwear if you are travelling in winter as early morning and late evenings are cold on game drives .It can get quite hot during the day so light summer clothing it is also a must. The best to deal with winter is to dress in layers. If you are travelling in summer, a good sweater(jumper)is recommended as it can get rather cool, especially if you are doing any boat cruise as well as light raincoat. Light trousers and cool long -sleeved shirt in the evenings in summer will help protect you from the mosquitoes.


The maximum weight allowance on international flights is normally 20-23kgin economy class ,however this will vary according to airline and routing .The allowance on domestic flights ,and light air crafts in particular ,will probably be less -exact detail will be provided with your departure documents on safari we advise best type of luggage is a soft -sided kit bag(without frames or wheels )which is squashable and thus easier to pack into a confined light aircraft or vehicle baggage compartment. A small day sack is ideal for carrying whatever you may need during a flight or day outing( sunhat, water bottle, sunscreen, gel hand wash ,binoculars , field guide, camera etc.