Bush Rover Foundation: Safari Adventures with Heart

Where Every Journey Supports Children in Need!

Welcome to our safari website, where every adventure you embark on helps make a difference in the lives of children and the less privileged. We are not just a safari company; we are also a foundation dedicated to assisting and supporting children in need. With every booking, a portion of the proceeds goes towards our foundation, ensuring that children have access to education, healthcare, and a brighter future. Join us on a safari of a lifetime and be a part of something truly meaningful.

Our Foundation:

  • Education: We believe education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty. Your support helps provide children with access to quality education, ensuring they have the tools they need to succeed.

  • Healthcare: Every child deserves access to healthcare. Your contribution helps provide medical care and support to children who need it most, giving them a chance for a healthier future.

  • Nutrition: Proper nutrition is essential for a child’s development. Your support helps provide nutritious meals to children, ensuring they have the energy to learn and grow.

  • Empowerment: We empower children to dream big and reach their full potential. Through mentorship and support programs, we help children build confidence and skills for a brighter future.

Join us on a safari that not only enriches your life but also changes the lives of children in need. Together, we can make a difference.